Republicans Love Debt!
When Nixon took office, his administration spent more than LBJ’s, Ford’s more than Nixon’s, etc. The Reagan, GWB, and DJT administrations controlled the White House and Congress. They love debt based on their actions. Their words to the contrary are useless, and any person who will use their ability to evaluate this critically will understand that Republicans are not telling the truth when they tell you they are for less government. This is not true. What they are for is big government done their way.
Check out the National Debt Clock and realize that it would take Trump’s second presidency and the successive eight presidencies to create a budget with a $1,000,000,000,000 surplus earmarked for principal payments only to eradicate our debt.
In chapter 22, verse 7, Proverbs (ESV) reminds us: “The rich rules over the poor, and the borrower is the slave of the lender.” We have enslaved untold future generations by not holding our elected officials accountable.
Don’t make excuses for the Grand Old Party (GOP) because that is beneath the follower of Jesus; instead, hold the people you voted for accountable. Set a reminder to call, email, or connect with them on social media regularly, at least once a year before the budget is created, to push them to cut spending. If they don’t make a change in how they vote, then vote them out. Stop re-electing “your guy” while praying the people who vote for the other party don’t re-elect their incumbent. Consider voting for those in a party that reduce spending, which is neither a Republican nor a Democrat.